Data import and export

Import your data with ease


Data import is so easy

We've made importing data very easy for you. MasterFind's importing tool will help you move candidates from spreadsheet, other recruitment software or CRM software into MasterFind. Import large numbers of candidates, contacts, jobs and clients is so easily. Good recruiting involves having a good number of candidates on your books to be able to search them with ease to find the right candidate.

Recruitment data Import and Export

Every company has different needs

With MasterFind's great versatility, you can import data into all your fields, including custom fields you've created. Import any data you want. Store any data you want. MasterFind checks for duplicates and does all the background housework when importing.

Export your data whenever you need to

Exporting data is so easy. You can also use MasterFind Custom Views to export straight from there. Flicking between Custom View and spreadsheet with one click.